Rachel F. H. Braatz
Rachel is an Associate at Warren Camacho LLP, practicing in the area of Family Law.
Rachel obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from York University in 2005. She then obtained a Masters in Early Childhood Studies from Ryerson University in 2007 and a Masters in Psychology from the University of Western Ontario in 2009. Upon completion of her graduate degrees, Rachel realized that her passion lies in the interplay between the family and the law and continued her education, ultimately obtaining her Juris Doctor from the University of Ottawa in 2013.
After graduating from law school and writing the Ontario Bar Exam in June 2013, Rachel temporarily moved to California where she embraced the idea of challenging herself and attended Pepperdine University to complete the required coursework for the California Bar Exam. Rachel then successfully wrote the California Bar Exam in July 2015. Subsequently, she made the decision to move back to Ottawa and completed her articles at Warren Camacho LLP. Following her Call to the Bar in 2016, Rachel joined Warren Camacho LLP as an Associate.
Rachel’s Approach: “As a dynamic and highly personal area of law, Family Law presents unique challenges. I believe that the fields of Psychology and Family Law involve the application of similar skill sets, factual analysis, and conflict resolution. As a Family Law lawyer, it is important to strike the appropriate balance between demonstrating empathy for your client while remaining objective, acting as a strong advocate, and keeping expectations realistic.”
Phone Number: 613 565-3813
Email: [email protected]
Misty Banyard [email protected]